What stops me from being creative?
Sometimes I doubt myself a lot, and the reason is that I am lacking self-confidence. Even though I can be very creative at times, I need to encourage myself, enable my skills and imagination to take over.
I need to believe that I am a worthy person and I am able to unleash the other " innovative person" inside me. My star sign is in between Gemini and Touris and at times i need to fight against two people: one side is very
very strong and powerful, however I can be stubborn as a bull, the other side : a lazy and less confident person comes out, though, i need to push myself to achieve positive results. I can do it, no doubt, but i need to
motivate myself, and in this case listening to CDC " Law of Attraction" and " The Inner Body" helps me massively to stand strong on my feet, and I feel more relaxed, chilled, happier, and it gives me feeling
that i can achieve anything i want. Believing in yourself and thinking positively does work a miracle.
The most creative thoughts come to me at anytime of the day, whether i walk in the park , excersie in the gym or doing shopping.
There is no a particular timing for me to get creative, my muse can visit me when ever. My creativeness comes from withing, though, sometimes I do need someone to motivate and give me a clue,
or share an idea that i can develop further. Nevertheless, I think, we are the only ones who can make ourselves happy, creative and innovative, we just need to broaden our minds and allow our feeling and emotions to
come out and lead us to our target goals.
Mind map experience.
I have once experienced a mind map, and it was the last semester when I had the Wellbeing class. We had to come up with the mind map which described the healthy food consumption,
dieting and exercising process. It was very much time consuming so I did not enjoy it that much.
I do not usually go around the house and looking for a specific object and think if i could crating something more innovative, however, I would like to upgrade kitchen apllienses which are out of date,
it makes very hard to cook. However, based on our previous individual assignment, watch creation was fun, and i was actually enjoying doing this assignment. I have a very similar watch, which i use for scuba diving
and i wear them to the gym and use it as a normal watch. i have been having this watch for 8 years now and it never failed me so far, it contains my all information of my diving destinations, time and the depth of diving,
heart rate and the rest of individual information. And i would not want them any other way.
They are very comfortable to wear, though, they are a bit heavy. Probably, the only thing I would upgrade on them is the face of the watch, make it a bit bigger and increase the size of the numbers, and add
a mini torch so i could use them for night dives.
" Wicked problems" :
" Wicked" problems refer to the problems that are difficult or impossible to solve, as the result of the requirements being incompleted, or constantly changed and often difficult to recognise.
In my opinion, those wicked problems are connected with socio-cultural problems. It could be incompleted or contradictory knowledge, where the opinion might differ among people, where the
economic burden is involved. One of the examples could be the inter relationship between poverty and education, nutrition and economy. These problems are generally related to policymaking
regulations. These issues are mainly about poverty, equality, sustainability, education, health and wellbeing, it is like a plague consuming the world and every human being.
Talking about solutions for wicked problems, there are no good or bad solutions, there is no true or false. In the team play, players need to approach wicked problems by making up solutions and things on the go.
Final Post:
In the last post I would like to say a few words, regarding our presenation and the module overall. I truly and honestly enjoyed the module, I have learned more about myself and capabilities.
I have expanded capacity for creative way way of thinking, and creative skill. It was not as easy as I would expect, however, I may say that I am quite satisfied with the progress, but yet, still there is a long way to go.
I think, I could achieve more and my blog could be done in a better, modified way, but, speaking honestly, I did not spend enough time working on the design as it was the first time even working with the blog, and
it took me awhile even to create it. I know its wrong to make excuses, though, i had other modules which also required lots of time and attention. However, i can say that i gave it a go and did what i could in this period of
Now, I would like to say a few words about our group work and group presenation. I was very happy to work with my friends on the group project. We have spent hours getting ready for the presentation, but i think we
probably, could of done more. There were a few hick ups, few questions where we were lost of answers, and were making up stories to at least give the most appropriate answer and not to loose marks. It is always pleasure
working side by side with these girls. Its not out first time, and our group was formed since the first day we met each other on our first lecture. We know each other quite well, and familiar with our strong and the weakest
points, and any time, when ever we get ready for common project, we know who needs to work on which part and it makes things go easier for us, and discussions fly quite smoothly.